Who we are

𝜈Tech Guild is a tech-science club founded by Vivasvat Rastogi and his high school friends in Vasant Valley School, India, with the aim of utilising latest technologies and integrating these with science to help the community out in various ways. We are a group, not of tech-geeks, but of aware tech creators who wish to truly make an impact and to set infinity as their '𝜈' (nu) limit.

What we do

We're constantly exploring, learning, and applying new technologies; Extended Reality (AR/VR) is no exception. Like several other technologies, we believe that its potential is huge, but it's currently not as widespread. We, firstly, wish to create awareness about this through our blogs, especially among the chidren. Besides, we'll also continuously try to explore its usability in healthcare, education, games, entertainment etc. While our club is full of 3D modellers and animators, we'll soon enter this realm of XR. Check out our blog and our projects for more information.

Initially, we, like many others, used to think that AI is overrated, but after learning its concepts, code, and usability, we have come to a consensus that it truly has a lot of applications. It might not be the key to solving what humans can't solve, but it truly can make faster and more efficient, what humans can solve. AI, as an assisstant, can be really beneficial, and thus, we have members in 𝜈Tech Guild who are well versed with AI. We are constantly working on projects and apps and will be posting those on the Projects Page.

Mostly, instead of writing solely algorithms, we'd be building and publishing apps and websites, so that our solutions can actually be used by the target-users. Our club has members who know a variety of programming languages, and, thus, we are able to collaborate and better each others works. But, we also want to share what we think, with you guys, so make sure you check out our blog. If you want to be a part of the internal discussions, consider joining our Discord server.

We also plan to conduct hackathons, 3D animation competitions, speed coding challenges etc. and will be sending the invites to various schools. If you want to register individually, feel free to shoot out an email to us. We're just a click away!

We love science too

Most of our club members are STEM oriented, so we would try to link several projects of ours with concepts of science (you're going to see more of physics stuff :-) ). For instance, we might build some physics 3D simulations, or perhaps, some healthcare apps... the list is endless. If you have an idea that you would like to work on, reach out to us or join the club and we can provide CS or science help.

...and Music

Science and STEM are not the only things we are interested in; we have a passion for music. In vTech Guild, we have Guitarists, Pianists, Saxophonists, and Drummers, and are continuously engaging, not only in CS discussions, but also in band performances. We are also trying to explore the penetration of technology in this sphere, and will inform you guys as soon as we roll out new softwares we are going to create, right here, in the Projects and Blog sections.

Checked out our blog yet?

We'll be posting articles, quizzes, fact-of-the-days, etc. related to the newest tech, or newer interpretations of existing tech, on our blog. If you want your article to be included, reach out to us and we'll be more than happy to do so.

So... Want to Join 𝜈Tech Guild ?